John Krasinski prepares his next directorial project, The Rookie receives a Niecy Nash spinoff, and Ryan Gosling is set to star in a The Fall Guy film adaptation Imaginary Friends (Paramount) John Krasinski (Jack Ryan, A Quiet Place) is set to write, direct, produce...
AMC begins filming its new Walking Dead spinoff, Anna Kendrick stars in a true crime drama for ABC, and Michael Mann preps his Ferrari biopic Isle of the Dead (AMC) Production is ramping up for the latest spin-off of the popular zombie cable series. This plotline will...
Zoe Saldana stars in Taylor Sheridan’s latest Parmount+ series, Pete Davidson joins a new David Michôd film, and Leonardo Dicaprio produces a new documentary about Sitting Bull Lioness (Paramount+) Zoe Saldana (Guardians of the Galaxy, Avatar) and Laysla De...
Randall Park makes his directorial debut, Hilary Swank stars in a new ABC mystery, and CBS orders a new firefighter drama Shortcomings (Roadside Attractions) Fresh Off the Boat star Randall Park will take on directorial duties for the first time with an adaptation of...
Jamie Foxx set to produce new Fox crime series, and Walton Goggins will star in a new Amazon prime post-apocalyptic series Alert (Sony Pictures Entertainment) Jamie Foxx and The Blacklist showrunner John Eisdendrath are collaborating on a new police procedural for Fox...
Netflix poised to film a new superhero series, Matt Bomer stars in a Showtime thriller series, and Mia Wasikowska signs up for “cult thriller” Supacell (Netflix) After the success of Umbrella Academy, Netflix is developing a new superhero series from...
David E. Kelly lands new ABC project, Jon Watts teams up with Brad Pitt and George Clooney, and Scream receives another sequel Avalon (ABC) Legendary television producer David E. Kelly (The Practice, Ally McBeal, Boston Legal, Goliath, Big Little Lies) will bring his...
Netflix prepares a new live-action He-Man film, Rob Lowe books a comedy series, and Jennifer Lawrence signs onto new dramedy from Office creator. Masters of the Universe (Netflix) He-Man, the famous animated action hero whose toy line and cartoon dominated the 80s,...
Another prestige NBA drama is in production. and the popular Percy Jackson series has cast its central trio The Sterling Affairs (FX) Ed O’Neill (Modern Family), Jacki Weaver (Yellowstone) and Laurence Fishburne (Black-ish) are all slated to star in The Sterling...